Hello there blog family,
It's been a while! I've come to terms with really only writing when I have something on my mind and have the time to write you all a quality piece. So here is confirmation that a regular posting schedule might happen in the future, but for now I'm all about quality over quantity.
The last post I wrote was in December so let's play catch up, shall we?
Despite the constant set back of COVID and general barriers in the arts world at the moment, I am constantly keeping my career path creative. I submit to projects, I create my own, and never stop trying. Here is a snippet of what I'm currently working on:
I have been lucky enough to stay active in the theatre world even in a pandemic. I have participated in the several projects that adapted to the digital world in various capacities. Acting, stage managing, administrative work, it's been so great to still continue this passion when the world seemed to put it on hold.
I'm working on several scripts and other writing projects which will see the light of day hopefully soon.
I have been so lucky to see my graphic design ability grow and gain more exposure. While keeping up my redbubble store, I have also been active with private commissions and projects for other creators. I've explored new techniques and software with the hope of having new offerings soon, so stay tuned!

Hope you enjoyed this quick update for all things I've been up to. Stay tuned for updates, rants, announcements, and other tangents.
Until then, STAY CREATIVE!
